“In short, Jesus isn’t asking us to love the world all by ourselves. That’s not sustainable. Jesus is asking us to participate in communities of love, what he calls the Kingdom of God. Within these communities I will undergo diminishment on your behalf but I am soon filled and rehabilitated by others. I sacrifice to find abundance waiting for me on the other side. That is the vision of church.” April 19, 2012 church / richard-beck / theology
“This is why the crucifixion is considered to be an act of love. The cross represents the self-donation of God, God being given to us, God suffering on our behalf. And this act of self-giving signals that the rift between God and humanity has been eradicated. In the gift of Jesus God reaches out and grabs hold of us.” April 19, 2012 atonement / richard-beck / theology
“If you’ve ever participated in an ontological debate about “the fold”, you know that how far users are willing to scroll down a page (and whether they’re willing to scroll at all) is an important concern for both designers and business stakeholders. So how can we measure it? One option is to sign up for a service like Chartbeat that offers scroll depth as a reporting metric. Another option is to use a little jQuery to record the data in Google Analytics. Here’s a plugin for that.” April 18, 2012 design / google analytics / javascript
Fascinating reading of the Numbers 20 story of Moses striking the rock with his staff, and why that matters and why he had the staff in the first place. April 11, 2012 bible / old testament / theology