The idea here is that you can give a massive boost to the perceived performance of the first page load on a site by putting the most important CSS in the head of the page. Then you cache the full stylesheet. For subsequent visits you only ever use the external stylesheet. So if you’re squeamish at the thought of munging your CSS into your HTML (and that’s a perfectly reasonable reaction), don’t worry—this is a temporary workaround just for initial visits.
In this part 2, I’m going to focus on the general “care and feeding” of your Sass codebase: how to use your modular Sass to create style guides, other tools to maintain code consistency, and ways to keep your team up-to-date on coding standards and guidelines.
This is not a parlor trick. This does not trivialize how we read our Old Testament, but rather emboldens those “texts of terror” to speak life into us again. It is a kind of reading that requires tenacity, disciplined engagement, and nothing less than the Spirit of God herself to reveal them to us. It is, in short, a way of reading Scripture that requires Jesus to teach us, to instruct us. Over and against much of the project of textual criticism in the 20th century, I am not looking for way of understanding the Bible that does not require God. I want a way of reading Scripture that requires God in order to work.
In 2012 I outlined why we should let people see their password when logging in to an application -especially on mobile devices. Now two years later with many large scale implementations released, here’s a compendium of why and how to show passwords and what’s coming next.
So you believe in the Virgin Birth. So what? And you believe in the Resurrection. Again, so what? The question is: who was the virgin who gave birth, and who was the man who was raised? And the answer is: Mary, who sang the Magnificat (Luke 1:46ff.), and Jesus, who preached the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:20ff.).
The Knotted Line Curriculum looks to support critical analysis of the dynamics that justify the [prison industrial complex] and the shifting line of free/unfree by creating opportunities for inquiry into “the infinity of historical traces” that have led to the present. The research projects in this curriculum connect current and past systems of oppression, and movements of self-determination through creative mediums and outcomes.
Simply stated, a digital strategy is a plan for how to support business goals through the benefits of digital tools. Strategies guide us in major decisions by providing a sense of direction and cohesiveness to our work. Having a well defined and clear digital strategy ensures that decisions about digital channels are not made on impulse (“let’s make a new app”) or merely in response to available technology (“let’s use QR codes”) but rather as part of a coherent plan that enhances the user experience and maximizes business opportunities. However, we can only have a sense of direction after we have properly oriented ourselves—and this is where the ecosystem map helps.
When it comes to choosing software that’s supposed to help you work faster—a JavaScript framework, for example—there are many questions you can ask: Is the code well-written? How big is the file size? What’s the browser support? Is there an active community maintaining it? But all of those questions are secondary to the most important question of all, which is “Do the beliefs and assumptions of this software match my own beliefs and assumptions?”
In all the experience I’ve had around Agile, Lean, Scrum, and etc. environments, the part that deserves the most work is always figuring out the “viable” part. It’s easy to think about minimum, but it’s very hard to figure out what is actually viable, and that’s where the role of user experience – actually dealing with users – comes in.
Despite its irreverent name and precarious form, the lobotomized owl selector is no mere thought experiment for me. It is the result of ongoing experimentation into automating the layout of flow content. The owl selector is an “axiomatic” selector with a voracious purview. As such, many will be hesitant to use it, and it will terrify some that I include it in production code. I aim to demonstrate how the selector can reduce bloat, speed up development, and help automate the styling of arbitrary, dynamic content.