Emergency aid for Haiti

January 13, 2010


As you may know, yesterday a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the country of Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of people could be dead, and millions could be without homes. The impact is unknown.

If you are able, please give, but give with caution. There is a good deal of corruption in Haiti, and it is important to understand advice like this. Especially in the next week or so, so much of the work will be dedicated to finding people that physical supplies are not much use. Donate money, if you can. One option is One Days Wages, who is partnering with World Concern. World Concern has been in Haiti since 1978, and has an incredibly high rating.

Recently, Bill Clinton and his foundation have been doing beautiful things in the country. You can see some of his remarks from an NPR segment that aired this afternoon. There is also painful content available on Andrew Sullivan‘s blog, as he has covered the event today.

Every time there is an event like this, it seems that Pat Robertson blames the folks who’s lives are being destroyed. In this case, he believes that Haiti is cursed from a pact made with the devil. Many lovely people on Twitter have stated that he doesn’t speak for them, and Don Miller gave a profound response.

More poignantly, Rachel Held Evans reminded us that we failed Haiti. Haiti has a history of oppression that reveals the guilt of wealthy nations. They have not been cursed by God, they have been cursed by us. Her post is incredible, and asks us if we will fail them again.

I hope not. May God send help to Haiti – supernatural things we cannot imagine, and natural things that we can do, and do right now.