From Google Ventures: 4 Steps For Combining The Hacker Way With Design Thinking | Co.Design | business + designFrom Google Ventures: 4 Steps For Combining The Hacker Way With Design Thinking | Co.Design | business + design
February 10, 2014
design / design studio / prototyping / startup / user experience
While I’m not a fan of the title’s list-all-the-buzzwords format, I do really like the way the Google Ventures folks approach design work with startups. They do it like the best UX firms, it’s true, but there aren’t very many of these, and the more we share processes from them the better we all get.
One of the best lines:
People like the experience they have in our shops for whatever reason, and a lot of yesterday was figuring out how to get them not a similar experience but at least an analogous experience when they become a guest on our website. … How do we host people in a non-Internet way while they’re on the Internet?