Grieving with Uganda

July 16, 2010


One of my deep joys of the last few years has been meeting and getting to know folks from Invisible Children – employees, roadies, former roadies, folks from Uganda, and others who have impacted and been impacted by the story there. This is a wonderful, beautiful thing birthed out of a dark place, but as all beautiful things do it leads to sadness.

If you heard of the bombing in Uganda the other day, you may grieve with us to know that one of those killed was Nate Henn, who spent time in the States as an Invisible Children roadie and was there spending time with the Ugandans who changed his life when the attack occurred. The Invisible Children blog has lovely words in his honor that I’d encourage you to read.

I’ve sat on this post for a few days, as I wasn’t sure what to say. I’m still not entirely sure, but I feel the need to say something. I didn’t know Nate, but we knew and loved and were changed by many of the same people. I’ve found over these few years that there is an instant companionship with folks involved in this story in its various forms, and it’s a beautiful thing. When Kiera found out about Nate, she expressed my thoughts with her own:

I cannot believe that I love the Invisible Children family so much. I did not realize how much until I find myself on the verge of tears. I feel like I know them… even when I don’t. That includes Ugandans as well. They are all family. I am sad for the loss of Nate’s life and the lives of many others.

So we mourn with all of this family, as big as it is.

Please know that Nate’s immediate family has set up a website and a memorial fund that will support his dreams for peace. You can also watch the video that Invisible Children released today.

Blessed are the peacemakers.