Invisible Children TRI 2009
March 10, 2009
Invisible Children is one of my favorite organizations. I have always loved the ways that they combine art with justice, and the attitudes with which they work, whether they are in the United States or in Uganda. In the last few months, I’ve been fortunate to become acquainted with various people from the organization, and many of their awesome side projects as well.
But at the moment, I want to draw attention to Invisible Children’s TRI 2009 campaign. This link will play a short video about the campaign. If you are unfamiliar with IC, know that they do video incredibly well.
To bring the 3,000 child soldiers home, it will take an army of at least 3,000 individuals to pledge $3 a week through TRI. Your $3 a week will go straight to advocacy, awareness and events that will lead to The Rescue of the child soldiers.
Your TRI donation will stop as soon as Joseph Kony's child soldiers are set free. If you don't TRI, who will? Sign up now.
If you have been around many non-profits or charities, you’ll be able to relate to the words and ideas in this video, and hopefully to what is going on with this campaign as well. I encourage you to give it thought, and see if you might be able to help with this campaign.